Change Log

Version 11

Version 11.16

  • New exchange rate dialog
  • Performance updates and refactoring Transaction Screen 

Version 11.15

  • Fixed multi-selection issue not highlighting properly
  • Updated Finish, French, Hebrew, Romanian

Version 11.14

  • Favorite Accounts now support 12!
  • Added Finnish language support!
  • Updated German, Hebrew

Version 11.13

  • Additional category sorting option added to Budget Tab
  • Updated All AndroidX Frameworks to Latest Version
  • Updated Chinese, Hebrew and Indonesian

Version 11.12

  • Budget calculation fixes for custom dates
  • SMS dialog autocomplete updates
  • Major Android library updates

Version 11.11


  • Nav Menu icons refresh
  • Performance stability/improvements
  • Updated Arabic, French, Romanian and Turkish

Version 11.10


  • Transaction screen UI refresh
  • Performance/stability improvements

Version 11.9


  • Updated XPF symbol
  • Added DAI cryptocurrency
  • Updated Arabic, Hebrew, Kannada, Norwegian, Romanian

Version 11.8


  • Added labels to exported account transactions csv
  • Added % calculator functionality (e.g. 50 + 20% = 60)
  • Font/style updates on transactions list
  • Added Norwegian language- thanks to Santosh Kumar
  • Updated Kannada, Norwegian, Romanian, Vietnamese

Version 11.7


  • Added support for Norwegian language- thanks to Santosh Kumar
  • Replaced label chip UI that draws the label background with Google’s Chip material component
  • Fix issue with bar chart reports not scaling on the x-axis properly


  • Fix blinking issue associated with the latest Google ad library
  • Updated Google’s firebase library to latest version


  • Added % calculator functionality (e.g. 50 + 20% = 60)
  • Some font/style updates on transactions list
  • Updated Chinese, German, Czech
  • Fix issue where account transactions list scroll position is not being retained
  • Fix issue where pie chart table info is clipped in some cases
  • Several stability improvements and minor bug fixes

Version 11.6


  • Added ICX (Icon) cryptocurrency
  • Stability and minor bug fixes


  • Updated Main UI dashboard
    • legend is now embedded into table
    • pie chart UI improvement for empty or single category
    • updated elevations and button UI
    • fix monthly labels clipped for Catalan language
    • updated japanese labels for dashboard cards
  • Improve CSV import to support adjacent split transactions blocks of rows
  • Improve stability of CSV import and fixed some minor bugs
  • Improve exchange rates download. Fix issue for some cryptocurrencies rates not being downloaded
  • Added more cryptocurrencies
  • Updated to latest version of Google Material Libraries
  • Updated all Android libraries to the latest versions
  • Language update- Czech, Portuguese

Version 11.5


  • Several new icons- laundry, gardening, gas utility, apartment, engineering, atm, internet and more
  • Improve stability of saved filters- fixed some issues related to filter not showing changes immediately
  • Many minor improvements and bug fixes
    • Custom dates not being restored on tabs when app is restarted
    • Cannot scroll down on category setup page
    • Updated Google Play purchase library


  • Fixed crash when importing csv or restoring from cloud backups manually.
    • This was caused by Android’s latest coroutines library
    • Downgrading library until issue is resolved by Google
  • Fixed issue where on items tab, the item row is not changed immediately after editing


  • Sort transactions by oldest date now available in filter settings for transactions tab
  • Updated Catalan, Hebrew, Malay, Chinese, Brazilian-Portuguese
  • Update several Android and Google libraries to their latest versions
  • Fixes for several minor issues
    • Leap year bug for category groups. An extra day is being added in budget calculation
    • App stops when accessing push notification settings when language is set to Italian
    • Added some missing translations
    • Multitude of many other fixes and stability improvements

Version 11.4

  • Microsoft OneDrive sync improvement
  • Charting engine major library update
  • Updated Malay,Italian,Portuguese,Chinese
  • Multiple stability & bug fixes
    • Fix date settings for balance sheet, budget, items summary and labels tab not updating when system date changes
    • Fix color intensity settings not immediately applied to account card, net worth card and cash flow card
    • Fix transfer reminder conversion rates not being saved correctly in some cases when a reminder is edited

Version 11.3


  • Minor UI fixed
  • Fix Italian string errors
  • Updated languages Catalan, Brazilian


  • Show totals in Accounts card
  • Multiple libraries updated to latest version
  • Added Malay language support (c/o Q Marul)
  • Updated languages- Arabic, Catalan, Polish, Portuguese, Russian
  • Fixes
    • Notes setting in Push Notification transaction dialog screen not working sometimes
    • Balance sheet tab single column view settings sometimes not retained when app is restarted
    • Fix date settings on balance sheet filters
    • Fix end of month balance on Accounts card view when projection is enabled

Version 11.2


  • fix some issues where parent category does not show up immediately when adding a new one from category setup
  • fix issue where a new parent category budget is enabled on initial setup
  • fix issue where date selection does not change on balance sheet tab
  • updated Android gradle library
  • fix some minor UI issues
  • other miscellaneous stability improvements
  • updated Bulgarian language


  • fix some issues related to exiting the demo
  • fix for some issue where causing certain accounts causes app to close
  • Updated languages – Thai, Chinese (Simplified), Hebrew, Polish, Turkish, Urdu


  • Increased Favorite Accounts to 10 (Premium)!
  • Redesigned budget, payees, labels report with more rounded horizontal bars and updated today indicators
  • Dashboard cards using line chart now have legends at the bottom of the chart instead of above to prevent blocking the chart area
  • Fixed GDrive linking issues for some older devices
  • Fixed Insights issue not showing up in some cases
  • Updated multiple languages
  • Arabic, Bulgarian, Spanish, Persian, French, Hungarian, Indonesian, Hebrew, Polish, Portuguese, Portuguese (Brazilian) Romanian, Russian, Swedish, tamil, Turkish, Vietnamese, Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional)
  • minor bug fixes and other stability improvements

Version 11.1


  • fix bug where categories are being hidden when budget is changed
  • other minor stability improvements


  • fix issue with account transactions list showing all future dates when projection is on
  • added some stability and performance improvements


  • fix favorite accounts card selector clipping last account on very long list
  • fix account transactions not showing all transactions by default
  • fix budget tab issue with custom dates for budgeted parent categories on some devices
  • fix transactions tab should show future transactions when last 30 days is selected
  • fix cash flow report does not retain chart type setting after restart (bar chart or line chart)
  • Updated Polish, Chinese (Traditional), Turkish, Swedish
  • cleanup a lot of unused code/resources


  • fix favorite accounts not showing proper amount for foreign accounts


  • Microsoft OneDrive support
  • New Favorite Accounts Card
  • Account Setup UI changes. Bring back old design as per many user requests, while retaining the new features
  • New language support for Swedish (thanks to Andreas Heverius)
  • Major underlying changes to sync code engine
  • Language updates
    • Bulgarian, Spanish, Persian, French, Hungarian, Indonesian, Hebrew, Malayalam, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Swedish, Tamil, Vietnamese, Chinese Traditional

Version 11.0


  • added get accounts permission for older Android version
  • fix non-monthly budget issues


  • Minor ui changes to accounts setup screen
  • Removing contacts permission for Google Drive (using updated Android libraries)
  • Fix for custom date issue on budget tab
  • Updated Spanish, Turkish, Chinese (Traditional)


  • Reduce GDrive permissions from access whole drive (which was granted previously by user) to just Bluecoins specific folder.
  • Fix sync issues
    • (Please re-link GDrive if still having sync issues)


  • Added option to set category groups by type (Income or Expense) during setup
  • Stability improvements


  • Major Budgeting Changes/Feature Updates
    • Support for custom monthly budgets
    • New Budget Setup UI with improve display of parent and group budgets
  • New Category Group UI
  • New Category List UI
  • New Account Group UI
  • New Account List UI
  • New Tab Date Header Controls on budget, payees and labels summary tab for quickly switching between date ranges
  • User will be asked to save any unsaved changes when they press back without saving edited accounts, categories, account groups and category groups
  • Many other smaller UI updates, changes and polish
  • Transaction list for labels and payees reports will now include dates
  • Updated multiple code libraries to the latest version
  • So many performance and code optimizations
  • Updated multiple languages
    • Brazilian Portuguese, Bulgarian, Chinese (Traditional), Chinese (Simplified), French, Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian, Indonesian, Malayalam, Persian, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Tamil, Turkish, Vietnamese

Version 10

Version 10.2


  • fix calendar card issue where indicators are not shown when month is changed, calendar is opened, and going back
  • fixed issue during demo mode where trying black theme mode resets demo data
  • updated some Android libraries to latest version


  • fix budget card bar chart issue
  • fix category setup not working for some users


  • Changing language settings of the app applies immediately. No need to force close and restart app.
  • Multiple library updates
  • (New) Serbian language support (thanks to Milan Markovic Matthis)
    updated Czech, Hungarian, Hebrew, Portuguese, Turkish, Chinese (Traditional) languages
  • Fixes/stability improvements
    • budget dashboard card does not graph the bar line correctly in some cases
    • clicking “Others” category in setup displays new category setup
    • uploaded data files to Dropbox/Google Drive does not include timestamp
    • when clicking a dashboard card, selected date range is sometimes not shown correctly
    • editing transfers involving foreign account to foreign account with different currency may not save the rates correctly
    • editing transfers involving foreign account to foreign account with same currency should save the same exchange rate even (source account rate) if their default rates are not the same
    • widget sometimes not updating immediately when going back to home screen
    • when changing device locale, in some rare instances, it is possible that the default currency can be changed to the new device locale currency

Version 10.1


  • Fixed
    • Net worth summary card should follow EACR preferences
    • Account picker dialog search is not working for capitalized letters


  • Put back under the hood streamlining changes for multi-currency transfers
  • Updated to new Billing Library v2.0 as per Google Requirements
  • Under the hood
    • major code optimizations and Kotlin conversions


  • Undo under the hood changes multi-currency transfers changes in v10.1.1


  • Fixes SMS issue on some devices
  • Under the hood
    • Streamlined code for multi-currency transfers


  • Enable reminder support for multi-currency transfers
  • Updated Persian, French, Hebrew, Dutch, Portufuese, Romanian, Traditional Chinese

Version 10.0


  • Fixed translation issues:
    • Arabic, Chinese(Traditional), Dutch, French, Portuguese, Spanish ,Turkish
  • +1 Settings default should reset both title and amount
  • Fixed time is resetting when changing date of an existing transaction


  • Introducing new Timeline Reporting feature
  • New Settings screen
  • Autocomplete suggestions in Settings
  • Hide accounts from picker
  • Hide categories from picker
  • Major Android library updates
  • Updated Arabic, French, German, Greek Indonesian, Hebrew, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, Vietnamese, Chinese (Simplified & Traditional) languages

Version 9

Version 9.4


  • For new installation, transaction total bar will be hidden by default
  • Fix minor issues
    • Toolbar menu text is too light on Forest Green theme
    • Budget report not showing bar charts
    • When daily repeating schedule is set to repeat every other day, weekend settings does not work
    • Credit card installments are not immediately displayed sometimes


  • Improve multicurrency for transactions involving extremely large exchange rates
  • There was an issue with the latest Android material library that is causing crashes on some devices
    • Reverted back to previous library until this gets solved by Google


  • Make app icon match the refreshed Playstore icon
  • Android material library updates
  • Updated Turkish, Romanian
  • Stability/reliability updates

Version 9.3

  • Make reconciled transactions/account more visible
  • Many changes under the hood for upcoming reports feature
  • Stability/bug fixes
    • accounts widget sometimes not showing correct balance
    • fix autocomplete bug where foreign amounts are autofilled in local currency
    • fix bug where adding credit card installment does not immediately update dashboard
    •  fix- use “Philippine Peso” instead of standard Android library provided “Philippine Piso”

Version 9.2


  • UI updates on fresh install
  • performance updates to budget reports
  • stability improvements


  • UI updates on fresh install
  • stability/performance improvements to budget
  • minor bug fixes:
    • fix bug where its possible to use deleted account when “remember last account is set”
    • void transactions are plotted on category transactions


  • Android Library Updates
  • Updated Greek, Indonesian, Romanian
  • minor fixes
    • changing currency in empty tab main does not update empty accounts currency
    • changing currency does not update number format currency immediately (sometimes app restart is needed)


  • minor bug fix – app sometimes closes when dismissing label dialog


  • Major tab performance optimizations
  • Fixes
    • transactions not loading when clicking a category on the Budget Pie Report
    • minor Calculator issues


  • Added support for file encoding when importing Qif
  • UI Updates
    • Added subtle divider lines back to balance sheet and neat earnings tab
    • Streamlines Settings > Transaction Setup
    • When hide category icons is turned off, icons will also not be displayed in the budget summary and net earnings tab
    • Use floating snackbar instead of toast for displaying data has been updated
  • Multiple Android library updates
  • Fixes
    • Minor Csv import issues in non-English language settings
    • Hide keyboard on dashboard after entering transaction
    • Calculator not showing decimal places on running calculations

Version 9.1

  • New Settings>Transaction
    • remember last category/account
    • default income category
  • Updated Spanish, Russian, Portuguese, Indonesian, Russian, Hebrew, Persian
  • Stability improvements
    • fix daily reminder widget has white amount text on white background
    • fix autocomplete suggestion proper text color/background needing app restart when changing theme
    • fix some minor issues when changing currency during account setup and another account was created immediately, causing the previous rate to be re-used
    • fix QuickSync on close showing even if no transaction was made

Version 9.0

  • Major UI Refresh (latest material design)
  • Updated Arabic, Greek, Persian, French, Hebrew, Dutch, Turkish, Chinese, Hungarian

Version 8

Version 8.8


  • minor UI tweaks
  • may need to re-enable bank notification in Settings after update
  • added device links to notification access in Settings
  • see


  • added safety backups when performing sync
  • fix balance sheet projection/status issues


  • minor UI tweaks
  • fix calendar not showing category groups
  • fix some sync issues


  • Transactions opened from Categories Setup should show all transactions, not date bounded
  • v8.8.2 -minor UI tweaks fix calendar not showing category groups -fix some sync issues


  • set account card y-axis to start at 0
  • show end of month projected balance on accounts card
  • date setting moved to toolbar filter (now can be saved!)
  • click tab header to change dates

Version 8.7


  • minor UI updates
  • fixed currency rates server download errors for some currencies
  • fixed amount sign sometimes wrong when editing account
  • stability/performance improvements


  • accounts card x-axis increase granularity
  • updated Indonesian,Hebrew
  • minor bug fixes


  • UI Update –
    • tables now fades under table header/totals when scrolling near top edge
    • Accounts card on dashboard x-axis label is displayed in shorted mm-yy format
  • Fixes
    • account setup positive/negative amount sign button not displaying properly in some cases


  • UI Updates
  • CSV Import now support splits
  • CSV and QIF import support for more date formats
  • Stability and bug fixes
  • many underlying code refactoring changes
  • changes to threading and other optimizations
  • fixed issue where attachments upload does not kick in automatically when set
  • updated Arabic, Hebrew, Dutch, Portuguese, Romanian, Spanish, Hebrew, Persian, Chinese

Version 8.6


  • fix reminders notification not showing


  • Long-press to change amounts for multiple transactions
  • Added setting to disable quick date selection
  • fixes:
    • -positive amounts changing to negative when using calculator
    • -some keyboard display issues
    • -when editing date, open date selector to set data (not today’s date)
  • updated Portuguese
  • updated many Android libraries to the latest version
  • performance and stability improvements

Version 8.5


  • added partial support for Kannada Language (c/o AKSHATHAKUMAR MAIYA)
  • fix issue where category and account fields are missing when autocomplete for split transaction is turned off
  • many other small bug fixes
  • updated Arabic, Spanish, Persian, Hebrew, Malayalam


  • fix budget summary missing bar chart for category groups


  • show dates when showing list of transactions by category


  • fix bug on budget report where actual is shown as zero when budget is not enabled
  • fix cannot edit account type
  • fix labels tab not showing no labels transactions


  • fix unable to create new account type
  • fix dates sometimes not showing up when doing quick search
  • fix issue where budget report sometimes display wrong info on remaining spending available


  • Added autocomplete settings to turn off for Split Transaction
  • Make split transaction icon green when amount is positive
  • Fix issue for split transaction when foreign accounts are involved


  • Autocomplete support for split transactions
  • New Calendar settings- show category groups
  • Malayalam language support (thanks to Devadaru)
  • updated Hebrew,Chinese,Portuguese,Persian
  • Major changes under the hood
    • -major Android and 3rd party library updates
    • -updating to Android JetPack components
    • -module optimizations
    • -major Kotlin migration
  • Many small bug fixes and improvements

Version 8.4

Updated many Android libraries & SDKs
-gradle, dagger, dropbox, gson, opencsv, google apiclient, Android material libraries & more
Fix rare credit card balance mismatch issues
Minor UI improvements

Account widget now show proper currency for foreign accounts
Cash flow report now available to non-premium users!
updated Portuguese,Arabic,Persian
fixes for minor UI bugs

fix budget table date indicator not positioned correctly for some date configurations
fix cash flow card showing premium dialog (already free)

disable R8 for now as it causing issues with saved filters

Cash flow report now available to non-premium users!
-gratitude of thanks to loyal users
updated Czech,Hebrew,Arabic
many performance improvements
updated code to use R8 for improved performance
fix multiple minor issues
-net earnings tab does not retain fitler correctly
-missing reminder icons
-tab categories not updating immediately/headers not correct when month first day settig is changed
-fix budget graph not respecting monthly settings
-fix data not refreshed immediately when changing monthly first day settings
-fix credit due data and cutoff date is not saved sometimes
-fix data not refreshing immediately when changing currency
-fix default account setting not working

Version 8.3

more stability improvements
fix QuickSync on open issue

updated Hebrew
more stability improvements

Kotlin code refactoring
-this is a major under the hood
-Kotlin provides improved stability and many optimized calls for collections
major stability/performance changes
optimized PIN login
Improve sync stability for some devices running Android-P
updated Hebrew,Chinese

Version 8.2

Improve sync stability for some devices running Android-P
Fix some minor calendar bugs

Improve sync stability for some devices running Android-P
-disable WAL which Android P has WAL enabled by default

This update is focused on speed, performance and stability.
-use RAM to store temp data to reduce amount of database read operations
Minor UI tweaks (slightly bigger fonts on transaction rows)
When opening net earnings, net worth, cash flow reports and projection is enabled, show table in ascending order
updated Hebrew,Tamil

Projection improvements in Calendar tabs
-Calendar projection must be enabled

Many bank SMS are received with no numbers, and users cannot add them into Phonebook from within the SMS app.
In general it is easy to create a contact entry on the Phonebook app with no number, but this is not obvious enough for some users
This update adds option to add sender by phonebook or manually inputted name from within the app
Other changes:
Option to set date for bank notifications dialog
View monthly projected expense/incomes on calendar (calendar projection must be enabled in Settings)
New icon!
make sure to hide keyboard when a dialog is dismissed
disable NotificationAccess request for very old Android version 4.1 Kitkat <= API16
-causes crashes when activated
Updated Indonesian,Arabic,German,Greek,Spanish,Persian,Hebrew,Portuguese,Romanian,Chinese

Version 8.1

Filter SMS notifications by sender (requires permission to Read Contacts)
Add new accounts/categories while creating splits
Made access to cards reordering/setup easier

Version 8.0

Fix location of negative symbol sign for Arabic and other RTL languages

Quick fix for crash when entering PIN

Reconcile/cleared status in transactions moved next to amount
Transactions row text size should follow system preferences
Indonesian,Arabic, German,Greek,Spanish,Persian,Hebrew,Portuguese,Romanian,Chinese update
Fix issue where app does not sometimes follow user currency preferences
Many optimization improvements

Option to exclude SMS notification
Option to hide Total for Transactions and Reminders Tab
Indonesian update

Create transaction from Android & Push Notifications!
-Bank,Credit Card,Email,SMS,Paypal,Ebay notifications, etc…
read more…
-Arabic,Dutch, German,Greek,Spanish,Persian,French,Hebrew,Portuguese,Romaninan,Vietnamese,Chinese update
-Many performance / stability improvements

Version 7

Version 7.0

Removed SMS Permissions as per Google’s New Policy
Database will be upgraded to new version. All synced devices must be using v7 to communicate with each other.
Category Setup UI changes
Setup budget plans within category setup
Budget Setup UI Improvements
New Quicksync algorithim- more data efficient and faster (other future improvements planned)
updated Arabic, Chinese, Dutch, French, Hebrew, Persian, Portuguese, Russian
updated Android and other support libraries

Version 6

CSV exports improved support for non-Latin characters
Set Tab Items Summary transaction type default to “All Except Transfers”
Speed up calculations of budget totals in Budget Summary tab
– labels are being added as attachments when auto recorded
– when opening account on balance sheet, it shows “all” reminders into the future in some cases

bottom navigation bar color now follows the application theme
removed thin border in tabs
changed white splash background to black during app launch
hide transfer fee names from autocomplete
show future transactions when opening account from balance sheet
budget tab total will now properly support filtered categories and category groups
updated to latest Gradle version 3.3
removed legacy libraries from code
reduced memory footprint
more performance and stability improvements
-addresses some issues with currency symbol displayed wrongly in Android Pie
-transfer fee is not shown when editing existing account

Version 6.5

Added more icons
Mainly stability/performance updates
LeakCanary Update
Arabic,German,Spanish,Persian,French,Hebrew,Dutch,Chinese update

fixed- Password needing to be entered 2x issue

Smarter quicksync on close- will no longer prompt if no changes detected
if a reminder set to log automatically is recorded with a dated starting date, then record that as a transaction immediately.
improved detection of false negatives for premium users that turn off premium features for few devices during updates or long sleep
fixed- labels not working properly when doing +1
Portuguese,Arabic update

fixed- isolated crashes when re-opening account details

Improved Account Details UI
-option to filter reconciled transactions within account details
-option to reconcile all transactions when updating balance
Quicksync – reduce prompts where possible
Updated Romanian, Hebrew, Persian
Address some issues on budget totals when categories are filtered

Version 6.4

Added option to hide [New Account Transactions] on transactions tab
-some UI clipping on Calendar when font is italized
-minor bugs and issues

fixed- Calendar not showing projections

Show projected amounts on balance sheet tab
Updated Balance Sheet UI
Added table date headers to category,budget,payees,labels transactions
Updated Brazilian,Hebrew,Russian

Version 6.3

Added table date headers to category & budget,payees,labels transactions
fixed- Budget table should be sorted by parent>child categories
Updated Brazilian,Hebrew,Russian
fixed some random issues on the field

Show running total by transaction type on net earnings report
Sort by pie slices from largest to smallest on budget report
Added table header definition to table reports
fixes for some minor bugs
-filter dialog flickers when scrolling

New budget report UI
New daily summary UI

Version 6.2

If multiple transactions are selected, the totals should be shown even if it’s value is zero
Fixed- Cashflow- when some categories are filtered out, valid cash flow transfers are excluded
Fixed- dates that are not localized to user language

Localize day of week text to user language

Net earnings details splits transactions list between income & expenses
Multiselecting foreign account transactions show totals in foreign currency
fixed backpress issues
-fixes issue with split transaction notes on some devices
updated Hebrew

Version 6.1

fixed- refresh tabs sometimes not updating after performing sync
fix Sync issue on Android Pie

Split transaction now shows parent account & category
Simplified Transaction Schedule dialog
Android-X Updates
Account setup UI changes
New file and folder picker UI
fixed-net worth card filter issue
updated German,Persian

Simplified transaction schedule dialog UI
fixed- screen does not close after entering transaction from widget

6.1.3 (partial rollout)
Split transaction now shows parent account & category
updated German,Persian
fixed- some foreign currency issues when updating split reminders or transfers

6.1.2 (partial rollout)
Android-X Updates

fixed- Net Worth card filter issue

Account setup UI changes
New file and folder picker UI
performance- cleaned up old libraries
stability improvements

Version 6.0

Calendar follows 1st day of week
fixed Sync compatibility w/ Android P

Changes in Android/Google libraries causes connection to cloud file server to fail during account linking for devices on Android versions Marshmallow and below (API <=23)
updated firebase and analytics core

fixed- missing dots for calendar when language is set to Arabic
fixed- Dropbox photo sync errors
creates backup in autobackup folder when restoring data from server
updated French, Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional, Persian, Vietnamese

major performance and stability improvements
new architecture for pulling data and closing database to improve speed and performance

Major update to Split Transactions
New Welcome UI
Chrome OS support
Import CSV now supports all Character encodings
Deleting transactions on the Reminders tab is now much much faster, probably a hundred times faster than before.
The Transactions tab default date range has now been set to “ALL”. Previously, this was set to “Since Last Year”. However, for heavy users with tens and thousands of transactions, it’s recommended to keep the date range setting smaller (e.g. Since Last Year or Last 6 months data only, etc).
Improved support for RTL (Arabic, Hebrew, Persian) layouts.
Eliminated the little flicker on the category icons when opening Calendar detail
Krygystan Som new currency
Updated German, Greek, Spanish, Persian, French, Dutch, Romanian, Russian, Chinese languages
Many other small changes.

Version 5

Version 5.0

Semantic versioning going forward- e.g. v501.xx.xx is now v5.0.1

improved performance
Updated French,German,Greek,Persian
fix minor issues
-progress line on dashboard does not get hidden after some time

-uses consistent decimal formatting for exported Excel csv transactions
-demo version not working for older Android versions
-in some cases, opening credit card reminders may cause app to close

-In some cases, running balance when clicking on a category group or category parent details is not correct
-Minor UI issue, credit card tab is showing in details page for accounts and categories

minor UI improvements on transaction screen
updated to latest support libraries from Google
updated Chinese,Persian
stability improvements

Older Versions

Older versions uses the old 3-digit version numbering system ( e.g. 100, 200, 300, etc). Newer versions uses the semantic versioning system (e.g. 5.1.2).

Version 500

QIF now imports special characters
Updated Dutch,Persian,Spanish,Vietnamese

New Settings Page
Clean & Light Theme Updates
Auto day/night theme switch mode

major UI update
Auto day/night theme switch mode
Single activity architecture for min screen
Stability & performance

Version 411

Added Telugu support- Dinesh Reddy
Chinese updates- King Tung Tong
Persian updates- Mohammad Khorsand
Updated Russian

Improved loading of accounts card and account details performance
Replaced main tabs spinner circle indicator with horizontal line indicator
updated Arabic, Chinese, Persian, German, Dutch

Improved local data management. Easily switch data files (Settings>Local Backup)
Updated German, Persian

Version 410

Many stability and performance improvements
Fixed- sync on close issue

Updated design libraries
Updated Romanian

New Premium Theme: Forest Green!
Projections in Dashboard Accounts Cards
Many stability/performance optimizations
When running demo mode, no need to restart app when exiting demo or trying black theme
Updated Greek,Persian,Thai

Version 409

Fixed several random but minor issues

Restored net earnings tab sum
Updated French, Persian, Thai

App introduction new animations – fresh install
Performance & Stability improvements
Updated French, Persian

Transactions tab- filter option to turn off running balance
-improve performance older devices
Stability Improvements

Transactions tab- filter option to turn off running balance
-improve performance older devices
fixed- Accounts List balance includes void transaction
fixed- transaction type strip color (when no icons is set) should show proper color (red or green) based on total amount.
fixed- sometimes tab filter show as orange (or filtered) even when filter is cleared or reset

fixed- reminders tab not updating when editing a reminder
fixed- in very very rare cases, an orphaned account cannot be deleted
updated French

New Cashflow UI (link:
-support for cash flow projections
-supports daily,weekly,monthly,quarterly,cashflow charts
-supports bar chart or line chart
Fixed data not refreshing immediately after QuickSync
Updated French,Persian,Turkish

Version 408

Time column added to csv transactions export
updated Italian
-import csv resets icons
-unselecting 2nd label on label dialog affects 1st label

minor bugs
-in some cases Accounts list does not refresh changes immediately
-fix some random crashes for a very small population of users

Bi-Weekly Frequency Report
-net worth,cash flow,net earnings
Settings- set amounts to 5 decimal
If visible, update conversion display when when typing amounts in transaction
Updated German,Dutch & Portuguese

Version 407

Restore total in transactions tab
QuickSync stability improvements

Sort amount in pie chart
fixed – travel mode popup bug

Projected Accounts in Reminders Tab Filter
-exclude void transactions in widget
-category group pie chart
-dashboard card advance settings not working

Net Earnings and Budget Summary Tab- Sort by Largest Amount
Left Navigation Menu changes
Updated Romanian,Russian,Greek,Chinese
Under the hood: Gradle and library u[dates for performance and speed improvements

Version 406

Changed click background animation for row from borderless to constrained within the row
minor UI update for empty transactions and reminders tab
Budget categories are not updating immediately when edited or added

Copying and pasting multiple transactions will not include reconcile status
in some cases, detailed cash flow transactions list is not matching summary

print button not working on tabs

406.37.01 see
New! Cash Flow Settings- setup your cash based accounts that will be used in the cash flow calculations
New! Account Groups Setup- create and modify your own account groups
Calendar Settings- Show expense first Net Earnings tab
Updated Vietnamese, Spanish,Italian, Turkish,Chinese

Version 405

SMS- allow SMS config even if force check is set
Updated Turkish,Chinese
fixed- some random crashes on Android P

SMS- added option to force check all incoming SMS
Split transaction icon color to be based on amount

Added net earnings to Calendar categories tab
fixed Transfer SMS bug
fixed show expense first on net earnings not working

Credit card installment number added to notes
Support library updates- for performance

Daily widget vertical size changes for high dpi screen
minor bug fixes

read more
Android P Support
Option to display single column on net earnings tab
Date range support for last 28 days
Include time in all csv exports
Many stability & performance improvements

Version 404

Optimizations & minor bug fixes

Transaction entry improvements
Sort most used currencies to the top
Quarterly and annual chart options
Read more:

Version 403

Net earnings card detail UI update
Net earnings future projection (premium)
Added year to weekly,daily x-Axis
Transaction UI update
Speed improvements

Version 402

Landscape support for new linechart UI
y-axis missing accounts card
Performance/speed improvements
fixed- donation button not working

Printing account transactions not working for premium users

Major Chart improvements-net worth,accounts,categories,items,labels
Future projections daily,weekly,monthly options
Flexible date ranges
Additional icons

Version 401

minor UI fixes
-Reminders tab- the account name is not shown, only “Account”
-Account transactions list, local currency figures are nt properly formatted
additional icons

updated German,Brazilian,Romanian,Chinese
fix minor UI issues
some icons are not represented, such as split icons

additional icons
clipping issues on the transactions list
fix minor UI issues

Tab Labels/Items UI Update
New Language- Catalan (thanks Enric Sanz)
Demo improvements
minor bug fixes

Version 400

Increase maximum attachment count
Daily Summary Card UI Update
Transaction row- long Account names with Balance are getting clipped
Updated French,Vietnamese,Greek

Startup optimization
Additional icons
Split transaction icon
Fixed multiselect & other minor UI issues
Updated Brazilian,Spanish,Dutch,Italian,Ukranian,Russian,Chinese

Updated Chinese,Russian,Greek
fixed-issues with older Android versions
fixed-multiselect issues
fixed- clipping issues with very long transaction and and notes
fixed- FAB showing wrong icon when tabs are rearranged

Major UI Update –
Support for category icons!
Click on the icon anywhere to instantly change
Compact category selector! -Settings>Transaction for current users
Tab UI update + more
Reorganized the Settings > Transaction Setup page
Multithreading improvements for performance
Updated Chinese,French,Dutch,Vietnamese

Version 309

minor bug fixes for older Android versions:
-adding labels causes issues on Kitkat
-enabling PIN on devices with legacy device fingerprint driver causes issues
-other minor issues for lollipop and below

UI polish
-fab, transaction label, animation performance
Startup speed optimization

advance filter UI improvement
stability & performance improvements
fixed- deleting accounts on the accounts list does not reflect immediately

advance filter UI improvement
stability & performance improvements
fixed- account balances in Accounts Setup & Balance Sheet sometimes do not match
fixed- Advance filter: setting show expense first setting in net earnings is not retained when loading saved filters
fixed- Balance sheet sometimes displays empty rows when excluding zero accounts

Reminders now part added to standard widgets suite (previously premium)
Widget UI tweaks
Updated Romanian,Brazilian,Dutch

Users can now create up to 15 account cards on the dashboard
Updated Google Support Library to v3.2
When importing qif files, uppercase QIF extensions are being ignored
in some rare cases, daily totals in the Reminders tab may not be accurate
Updated Romanian,Brazilian,Dutch

Version 308

308.34.05 –
fixed- transfer amounts reversed in some instances
updated Android support libraries to latest version
updated Dutch

308.34.04 –
Calendar account summary improvements
Running balance chart for account groups will follow accounts filter setting
updated Spanish,Thai,Hungarian
fixed- dashboard delays when adding widget transactions
fixed- credit card summary delay when adjusting credit card limit
fixed- calculator positive expense amounts do not reflect correctly sometimes
fixed- cannot delete multi-selected transactions on Reminders tab

reverted back to asking for contacts permission for Google Drive Sync
-causes issues with Android version 7 and below

added timestamp to exported pdf
removed contacts permission for Google Drive sync
updated Bulgarian,Italian,Russian,Vietnamese
updated to latest Gradle 3.1.1
updated libraries to v27.1.1

Datepicker first day of week follows settings
(fixed) some devices with PIN turned on and no fingerprint hadrware close on startup
updated Spanish,Chinese,Dutch, Greek, Russian

updated Czech
Left-To-Right PIN keyboard for all locales
minor UI tweaks
(fixed) PIN entry logo turns to red box sometimes
(fixed) picture rotation issues for attached files

New premium Account Widget -
Redesigned widgets
updated to Gradle 3.1 (
added support for new SDK 27 (Oreo MR1)
updated build tools and optimizations for performance
updated Hebrew,Croatian,Romanian,Ukranian

Version 307

(fixed) copying pasting split transactions with foreign currencies should use foreign values
(fixed) when opening items transactions list, app sometimes closes when show only transfers is selected
updated Czech

updated Chart Libraries
Stability improvements
Categories & Budget- single click change between income & expense
Update to Google Play Services 12
Updated Bulgarian,German,Italian,Chinese,Dutch,Greek,Vietnamese
(fixed) when transaction tab quick search is open, then select transaction, edit, save and return, the previous quick search results is not properly displayed
(fixed) when entering extremely large numbers (~ a trillion) that adds up to even much more extremely large numbers (trillions++), app will crash.
-Numbers like these are very unlikely to be legitimate amounts and is typically a user error
-This update will prevent the crashes but the sums will no longer be accurate and valid.
-However, this will allow the user to delete or modify the transaction.

Support for Importing QIF files from Banks
CSV import enhancements
Grouped Import Functions in Settings
Improve permission flow
new splash UI
Updated Bulgarian,Czech,Italian,Romanian,Russian,Spanish

Version 306

(fixed) minor issues with EACR calculation

Option to hide keyboard on new transaction
Use foreign values for foreign transactions in print, pdf and all reports
updated Bulgarian,Brazilian,Tamil,Spanish
more on

Printing,PDF & HTML Support
Calculate balance sheet using EACR or default account rate
Include budget for net earnings in summary
New Language Translation- Bulgarian (thanks to Ivan Dimitrov)
Updated Ukranian,Spanish,Brazilian,Romanian
more on

Version 305

Smaller Calculator option: Settings-Transactions
Light App Shortcuts dark theme
updated Russian,Ukranian,Romanian

Revert back to (green) OK button for calculator. This replaces the Equals sign. Based on user feedback.
(fixed) second press replaces first press on calculator

Adjustment to calculator UI when theme is set to black or dark
Clear calculator on first number press when editing amounts

(fixed) minor bug fixes

Improved integrated calculator
-new UI
-Chrome OS keyboard support
-Running operation support
-Arabic numeric symbol improved
Updated Romanian,Chinese,Spanish,Greek,Vietnamese

Version 304

ability to change transaction type for existing transactions
export csv improvements
-export split trancastions as separate rows
-export amounts without leading characters
stability & performance improvements
-updated Czech,Brazilian,Greek,Vietnamese

Version 303

Export csv now includes currency & exchange rate
stability/performance improvements
updated Utalian,Dutch,Chinese

Android 6.0 & below: landscape UI not working on some devices fixed
updated Brazilian,German
under the hood- performance/stability improvements

Quicksearch now supports amount search!
-quickly search transactions by amount as you type numbers

(fixed) Net Worth Card liability figures
Updated Brazilian,Russian,Ukranian

(fixed) cannot exit Demo mode for new users

Show projected accounts, expense and income on Calendar when future dates is selected
Updated Russian,Spanish,Chinese,,German,Italian
Major under the hood changes
-Dagger 2.0 implementation
(fixed) tab bar sometimes not updating

Version 302

Balance sheet reconciled accounts improvement
(fixed) possible clipping of x-axis on bar chart
(fixed) when adding from reminders shortcut, should open a new reminder
Updated Greek

New Settings- show category group name in transactions list
(Settings>Transaction Setup>Category Group Name)
Updated Dutch,Ukrainian,Tamil
Minor bug fixes
(fixed) extra column header in exported csv file
(fixed) not showing message bar when adding transaction

Updated Italian,Romanian,Vietnamese,Chinese
Changed font for category, accounts, labels, notes on transactions list to normal (from condensed)
Minor bug fixes
(fixed) show reconciled amount setting on Dashboard Accounts card is not being saved upon restart
(fixed) in some cases, budget total on Dashboard Budget Card is shown incorrectly
(fixed) when closing quick search, the message “data has been updated” appears

Speed and performance improvements
-improved multi-threading and CPU management
New default date ranges:
-transactions tab (Since last year)
-reminders tab (Next 12 months)
-on extremely large data sets, this helps improve loading time for these tabs. This can be changed on the filters
Show totals by default on transactions and reminders tab
-when date range is set to ALL, totals will still be hidden
Slightly modified Splash Screen
Updated German, Portuguese, Spanish, Tamil and Romanian
(fixed) show Y-axis not working properly on some dashboard cards

Updated Chinese (Simplified)
(fixed) SMS dialog not working
(fixed) Reminder widget not loading

Major UI Changes & Theme Enhancements
Save-able Filters- Powerful filters becomes even more powerful
Optimize build for performance
Updated German,Spanish,Russian,Ukrainian,Chinese
(fixed) cannot select an income category when editing split transactions

Version 301

Updated Polish language
(fixed) Unable to export csv
(fixed) Demo dark mode not running

Labels support for exporting and importing csv
New UI- Account & Category Setup
-added button to open list of transactions
UI Polish to Transaction screen
Credit card notifications improvements
(fixed) filtering categories does not have any impact to the category-based reports
Updated Chinese,Brazilian,Spanish,Greek,German,Italian

Version 300

NEW Features
-Void transaction status
-Accounts card setting- show reconciled amount
UI improvements and tweaks
-Transaction UI
-Main Dashboard
Updated Czech,Spanish,Russian

Total shows-up when doing quick search on tab toolbar
stability improvements-fixed some random crashes
updated- Romanian (imparatul),Portuguese(friar),Greek,Italian,Dutch,Russian,Chinese

Updated Ukrainian,Chinese(Trad/Simp),German,Spanish,Tamil
Updated import guide, support for status import-
Smaller UI updates
(fixed)app closes when batch changing status & none is set

Major Update
Reconcile accounts easily
-new transaction field- STATUS
-use powerful advance filters to filter reports, charts & data by status- Reconciled, Cleared or None (Uncleared)
Balance Sheet will indicate fully reconciled accounts
Multiselect now supports batch changing of name,date,accounts,category & reconciliation status
-SELECT ALL now supported
Export cash flow transactions
When updating account rates- option to update existing transactions
Default name for unnamed transactions is changed to ‘Others’
Many UI updates
Updated Many language translations
-Chinese Traditional – new translator(hml531)
-Portuguese Brazil- new Translator (GBs)
(fixed) QuickSync on Open not working when PIN is set

Version 220

UI Updates
Last 30 days added to Tab Reports
Demo mode now has option for black theme

Transaction/Reminder tab UI improvements
-remove total header if no filter is set (less clutter)
-bigger date fonts, shortened day of week
Autocomplete improvements
-autocomplete will only select based on transaction type
-if transfer is set, only historical transfers will be presented
Demo mode improvements
(fixed) Missing transfer rates for foreign accounts transfers
(fixed) In some cases, account balance for foreign accounts on balance sheet & accounts list is not the same
-the one on the balance sheet is correct
-this updates the balance on the accounts list
Updated UAE currency symbol
Updated Spanish,Tamil,Italian,Brazilian (thanks lebotto-new translator)

Reminders tab- foreign account projection not updating
Account setup- ending balance for foreign accounts not accurate in certain cases

Automatically shift currency server to alternate when down
Round off non-visible almost zero amounts to zero on balance sheet based on decimal place setting
-for instance, -0.003 will be rounded to 0.00 when decimal place is set to 2. Currently, this is being shown as -0.00.
-this is possible when user uses calculator results, such as -1/3 = -0.3333 then enters 0.33 later, the total is -0.0033, but if decimal place is set to 2, only -0.00 is shown on the balance sheet
Supports different currency for Expense or income on foreign accounts
-currently, foreign accounts only support expense or income on it’s own currency
Updated Czech, Ukranian, Portuuguese translation

fixed (App closes when deleting transactions using multiselect on account balance sheet)

Update foreign account rates easily from balance sheet
If account currency changed, all transactions are recalculated to new currency
Transfer fee improvements
Updated Thai (new translator: Amarin Cemthong), Tamil

Updated Russian Ruble symbol,₽
Updated Persian,Spanish,Russian,Vietnamese,Chinese
Sync improvements
fixed (minor autocomplete bugs)

Refresh currency rate function to update all account transactions (Account Setup)
Updated Spanish,Greek,Italian,Chinese
fixed (minor issue, no default selected when editing single reminder)

New Filter Setting- Exclude Transfers (in addition to All, Income, Expense, Transfers)
-applies to transaction, reminders, payees, labels tabs)
When foreign account rates are updated, the account transactions rates and equivalent value to local currency are adjusted
Updated Spanish
fixed (When date filter is set, transaction tab does not update immediately)
fixed (When creating new transaction from labels list, the initial label is duplicated)

fixed (transfer between accounts of different currencies- currencies displayed is reversed)

Automatic currency feature update on Accounts Setup
Editing reminder- option to edit reminders from a certain date onwards
New splash screen
Updated Greek, Portuguese, Russian, Ukrainian

Primary cryptocurrency server now is
Support for top 100 cryptocurrencies
Added cryptocurrencies account type
Account setup-easier way for setting account exchange rates
Account lists display complete currency name
Standard users can now setup up to 2 foreign accounts
Updated Italian,Vietnamese
fixed (conversion summary rates for transfers between 2 foreign accounts same currencies)

Version 219

Improve csv import support for transfers
Updated Czech,Chinese
fixed (when opening a split transaction reminder, and clicking ‘Show all reminders for xxx’, all split transaction reminders are being shown)

Improved color contrast for multiselected rows
Improved segmentation balance sheet
Performance & stability improvements
updated Tamil, German

219.29.05 (more on
Show back links to detailed item report when opening transactions
fixed (after Google drive restoration, please wait dialog does not close)
Updated Greek,Thai,Chinese,Dutch,German,Russian

Main UI polish- lighter & flatter design
Improve support for changing global currency.
-Transactions recalculated accordingly
Updated Greek, thai,chinese
Exclude .journal data files in restore files selection
Google Play Services updated to 11.6.2
fixed (update ending balance accounts with foreign currency: accounts setup)
fixed (reminder tab date header totals in rare cases not accurate)
fixed (wrong title transaction screen when switching types)
fixed (minor- 3 small dots slightly visible when creating new transaction)
fixed (cryptocurrency rates fixes)

Support for csv with more delimiters: comma,semicolon,colon,tab
Fix deleting category groups
Updated Italian,Dutch,Chinese,Thai,Spanish,Russian,Ukrainian translation

New Budget Frequency- Every 2 Months
Minor bugs and stability improvements
-Eliminate dot flicker when opening calendar from dashboard
-Don’t show reminder involving hidden accounts on Reminders tab
-In some rare cases, the daily total on the Reminders tab is not correct
-In some rare cases, when updating balance of an account, latest balance is not correct

New Dashboard Calendar Card
Speed up rendering of Calendar dot indicators
Updated Spanish, Italian, Russian, Chinese and Tamil language translation
More code refactoring work

Version 218

Export now available to standard users by viewing ads
Fix standard template import

Major code refactoring to improve performance & future features enhancements
Label import via CSV file
Advance CSV import template
Dashboard ads are now muted
Removed 2nd dashboard ad
Updated Tamil, Greek, Portuguese, Italian

Version 217

Enable support for autocomplete when editing transaction
Kazakhstani tenge symbol
Support for Bitcoin Cash (BCH)
Tamil language thanks to Suresh Mahalingam
Sync stability improvements

When first day of week is changed, in some cases “This Week” shows “Next Week”
Exporting transactions must follow date filter setting
Export report button missing when clicking on Income or Expense in Net Earnings tab
Calculator precision improvements
Google Play Services updated to 11.6.0
Updated Spanish,Chinese,Czech,Ukranian,Portuguese,German

Option to merge categories to another category option when deleting
Transaction (reminder) screen slight UI improvements
(Fixed) Transaction screen title incorrectly set when creating reminder
Update Vietnamese, Czech, Spanish, Chinese (Simplified), Italian, Dutch, Greek,Polish
Many changes under the hood (prep for next release)

Replacing Yahoo currency exchange rate server
-Yahoo has stopped their finance APIs including currency exchange on November 2017
-Integrated multiple currency server
-New algorithm provides cascading backup in case one server is down
-No changes to cryptocurrency rate provider
Scroll-up animation option on the dashboard
Enhanced SMS engine detection for countries where localized decimal and thousandth separator is different rom what they receive from their telecom providers
Replaced Category Car>Gasoline with Car>Fuel on new installation
Mostly under the hood changes on performance and stability

Version 216

Account Setup now includes link to update latest balance
Update latest balance new UI
Improve logic for updating balance of foreign accounts
Improve SMS support for Chinese,Korean,Japanese
Fixed sync issue with Android 4.4 versions and below
New translations:
-Ukrainian: thanks to Alexander Bruy
-Czech: thanks to user WLCIK

Read more
New Account Cards!
Option to hide comparison column on balance sheet
Budget frequency support for semi-monthly
New Vietnamese language support – thank you to Dũng Trần Quốc
Under the hood stability and performance improvements

Version 215

Fixed double entry for automatic & split reminders

Under-the-hood changes
-rewrote the syncing code to support possible future updates
Thai language update
(Fixed) Reminders tab showing wrong daily total if labels attached
(Fixed) Reminder tab Filter icon showing as orange even if no filter is set

Split account issue fixed
Dutch translation issues causing ‘show all transaction named ‘xxx’ not to show up.

Russian, Italian, German, Portuguese, Chinese, Spanish language updates
(Fixed) Default account in SMS dialog not being called

Read more here-
New & Improved Split Transaction UI
SMS Notification
-support for Autocomplete
-quick search in Category/Account Selector
-multi-SMS notification
Daily Summary Card
-will show income bars if enabled
Net Worth Card x-labels will show shorter month labels
Android Oreo notification channels support!
(Fixed) Transfer fee accounts not showing in certain cases
(Fixed) When cancelling a delete operation on balance sheet account, incorrect permission dialog is shown

Version 214

Travel mode UI polish
Split Transaction UI white text issue

Filter by “no labels” combined with any labels
-will improve reconciliation process

Read more here-
New Widgets
1×1 Quick transaction widget
1×1 Quick calendar widget
Support for App Shortcuts – Android 7.1 and above
Reminders tab date ranges changed to next 14 days, next 30 days, etc..
Budget setting – 4 weeks
Net Worth card detail report settings & filters retained on restarts
Fixed- deleting a transaction on an account clicked from the balance sheet does not update running balance immediately

Version 213

Annual report added to Net Earnings card detail report
Card detail reports settings & filters retained on restarts
Exporting transaction reports will respect hidden account settings
Daily stats bar improved
clicking on Quicksync when in Label Setup or Deleted transaction screen causes app to close
Labels multiselect dialog has an errant show expense first checkbox
Sms dialog fix
Autoentry reminders notification not firing
multiple bug fixes
multiple code optimizations

(not yet in beta)
– transaction exports should exclude hidden accounts

Balance sheet not immediately updating when adding or editing transaction
Transaction row by account improved for consistency/clarity
Daily stats bar improved
Theme C&L polish
Change FAB that adds a transaction to red all throughout the app
Fixed Hungarian short month notation spilling over date box
Fixed tab icon for payees wrong
Lots of performance / stability improvements

Dropbox sync support is now restored
– updated Dropbox libraries to API v2

Fixed force close issues with Android O users

Read more here-
Theme Updates
– introducing new default theme (light & neutral)
– cool blue is still an option. existing users theme settings will not be affected
– introducing misty rose theme
New splash screen
+1 Settings (tip: can also long press +1 in transaction screen to launch setting)
display category and account in 1 or 2 lines setting
when importing csv and item name is blank, don’t skip row
(Fixed) +1 always records on current date, not following set date
(Fixed) Balance Sheet tab > Net Worth: hidden accounts not being respected in charts & tables
Language: Updated German, Polish, Chinese, Greek translations

Version 212

Reverted back to old round icon logo for Pre-Oreo devices

Read more about the changes here-
Support for Android Oreo’s Adaptive Icon
Transaction Screen Improvements
– Save & Add More on transactions
– new +1 button on transaction setup page
– Record Now- on reminders
– When converting reminder as transaction, can set to add today instead of due date
– Parent Category > Category Name now displayed
– Account Type > Account Name now displayed
Budget Tab
– See % remaining of budget
Transaction/Reminders tab
– cleaner, simpler, more uniform table format
Items/Labels Summary tab
– slimmer header, more uniform across all tabs
Navigation Drawer image
– simpler, and theme adaptive
– added link to
Many UI polish across all themes
When setting frequency, set default to automatic transaction on due date
Updated Russian translation

Version 211

(FIXED) When phone is using developer settings, and “Do not Keep Activities” is turned on, it causes issues with premium upgrade

Totals on Transactions/Reminders tab
Improve table design with percentages
Better text contrast / improved Roboto fonts
Translations Update: Russian (thank you Андрей), Italian
Updated In-App-Billing to latest Google IAB Library
Updated design library to v26.1

Version 210

Wrong decimal symbol for Dutch, Arabic, Persian language calculator

Transaction & Reminders tab filter improvements
-filter your transaction/reminder tab by text,date,categories,accounts,labels,amounts & more
-show only this month’s transactions or this quarter’s bills…
Percentages on earnings/balance sheet/calendar summaries!
Simpler dialogs
Improved tables
Calculator decimal symbol follows number settings
Updated Chinese, Dutch & Spanish translation
Updated design library to v26.0.2

Version 209

Added Daily, Semi-Annually to Category Budget Settings
SMS: improve support for Citibank Poland
Cash flow- Investment accounts inflow/outflow now part of cash flow
Optimized database adapter for faster queries and lower memory footprint
Updated: Romanian, Greek translation

Made the app available gain to more tablet devices
In some cases, the SMS telecom companies format amounts with a ‘-‘ preceding the number.
-in this scenario, BC ignores it. This update fixes it.
Updated Portuguese, Italian

In some cases, account is not selected properly on SMS notifications
In some cases, the SMS telecom companies sends formatted numbers that is different from their countries standard formatting
-example, in Russia, the standard decimal symbol is ‘,’: 1234,50 123,75
-but telecom send in this format 1234.50 123.75
-when this happens, since Bluecoins follows the users regional number settings by default, i fails to identify that the ‘.’ should be treated as a decimal symbol
-this update fixes this issue
Add ‘Virtual accounts’ to AccountGroups {can be used for paypal, etc.)
Many code optimizations
Updated languages

(FIXED) New settings update causes force close issues with Android 5.0 users and below

(FIXED) Black theme icons for SMS setup is also black

Support for SMS banking notifications!
-Click here to learn more
-Requires SMS Permission. Read more about permission here
Help toolbar button added to all Settings Section
Calendar will stay in selected dates when adding a new transaction

Version 208

(FIXED) Renaming the item name on the Items Summary tab issue
Changed help toolbar icon
Added help toolbar icon in Budget Setup screen
Full Persian translation (c/o Mahdi Mend)
Under the hood:
Converted Calendar reminders tab to asynchronous static classes to improve reliability and prevent memory leaks
Stability improvements
-rewritten data queries- expect faster queries and performance

Transfer Fees- ability to select accounts
The calendar will adjust accordingly to first day of week setting
Improved precision currency conversion
Slight UI changes to the dashboard budget card
-Previously this setting only applies to charts and reports
Under the hood:
Converted Calendar transaction tab to asynchronous static classes to improve reliability and prevent memory leaks
Stability improvements
(Fixed) editing income convert inadvertently change them to expense
(Fixed) when a automatic transfer with fees is recorded on due date, the fees is not linked to the transfer pair

Set transfer fees for Transfers
-read here
-example, fees for ATM withdrawals
-can be used as interest expenses for loan payments
Payees and Labels tab now includes proper support for including Transfers transactions amounts
-previously the + and – cancel each other out showing only zero values
-with the change, only one amount is considered
Credit card summary- bar should be green not grey when spending is equals to credit limit
Rewritten data queries for faster queries and performance
-should see faster data performance (power users >10000 transactions)
Editing reminder- when single reminder is edited, no need to ask whether to edit single or multiple reminders, just ask if user wants to save reminder
Deleting reminders- default should be “Delete This Reminder” not “Delete All Reminders”
Improved Demo localization
Updated Android libraries to v7:26.0.2
Slight improvement on tab scrolling responsiveness
Updated translations
-German, Spanish, Persian, Italian, Dutch, Portuguese, Chinese (Simplified), Turkish

Version 207

Support for XEM (NEM Cryprocurrency)
(FIXED) App closes when advance filter transaction type is changed

(FIXED) Transfer name is blank

Default Transaction Tile for Unnamed Transactions!
Stability/Performance improvements
Language translation polish- Dutch, Indonesian
(Fixed) Thai language crashes when changing remimder frequency

Version 206

-(FIXED) some premium users are reporting seeing full screen ads

Multiselect support for all transactions and reminders list!
-quickly copy and paste transactions
-quickly label transactions
-quickly delete transactions
Updated currency symbols for cryptocurrencies
Transaction UI polish- replaced dot icon with calculator
Last day of the month transactions not showing up in Payees, Labels tab.
Fixed some weekly reports when first day of week is changed

Adds major cryptocurrencies- Bitcoin + Ethereum, Litecoin, Factom, Ripple, Dash
Settings> Remember last exchange rate used
Settings> Set time for daily backups
Updated currency conversion summary
New Notification Icon
New translators- Dutch (Hans Mulder) Persian (Mahdi Mend)

Version 205

Tablet UI improvements
On multi-select transactions, transaction/ reminder/ accts tab, totals is displayed
Category/Budget random isolated math errors
Calendar RTL support
Localized PIN numbers
New translator- Chinese traditional (hml531)

Version 204

Net earnings tabs UI enhancement
Bigger header fonts for tabs
Projected balance on reminders tab (Enable in Settings>Transactions. Prm version)

Fixed-Spanish language issue in 204.26.01

Updated tabs UI- consistent, cleaner, refreshing
Accounts/Categories to Balance Sheet/Net Earnings tab
Settings-show expense first on Net Earnings
Updated budget setup UI
Italian/Turkish (Array81 & Isa)

Version 203

Scrolling PIN screen for small screen
Arabic support update
RTL layout improvements

Attach non-image files (pdf, docs)
Modified transfer UI
Wifi sync only settings
Settings enable hidden accounts selection
New date format YYYY-mm-dd
Calc UI improvements
Improved RTL alignment for MiddleEast countries
Improved Persian support- partial translations (c/o Omidpand)

Version 202

(Fixed) When selecting a date on Calendar, in the Categories summary, clicking on any category shows an empty list

Autocomplete labels support
New Nav Drawer image
New Daily Statistics UI
Simplified Daily Card
Settings- Remember last exchange rate
Cancel exchange rate downloading
Open similar reminders on a Reminder
Redesigned travel mode dialog
Balance sheet tab improvement
Fixed some minor random issues
Updated support libraries to 26.0.1

Version 201

(Fixed) In some cases, linking account to Google Drive fails when uploading photos automatically

Accounts Balance on Calendar!
-quickly see your balances on any day/month
Dark themes polishing

Version 200

More Calendar improvements
-standard users can see both months to the left and right of the current month.
-previously it was only limited to current month
Performance and stability improvements

Calendar Enhancement- monthly summary by default
-slide to view month by month summary
-select date to view daily summary
Autocomplete Settings
Autoresizing calculator text
New number format
-1 234 567.89
-1 234 567,89

Exchange rate summary displayed on transaction UI
Fixed-In some cases, cannot open photo when opened from cloud backup

New Transaction UI
-cleaner, simpler, more powerful
Improved Category & Account dialog selector
-instantly see account balance and category spending during selection
Show Items Spending on Transaction UI
-you can now open all similar transactions when editing
Settings UI simplified
-took out redundant settings
-donate options for Premium users
Turkish translation (Isa Demir)
-initial translations
Reliability & Speed improvements
-updated target SDK to version 26
-Latest & greatest Android and Google APIs
-Many code optimizations and refactoring to improve speed and performance
-some accounts cannot be edited for very few users (<0.05%)
-(minor issue)category spending includes day 1 of following month
-(minor issue)Huawei devices force different date pickers design and this does not work well with the single click date pickers from v107.25.01
-(minor issue) When switching between expense and income, make sure that the sign change too*
-(minor issue) When auto-completing a transfer entry and then switching to expense or income, the category is indicated still as transfer*
-Android 4.0 and 5.0 users are experiencing app termination when using the account and category selector

all of 200.26.03 above with exception of items marked as **

all of 200.26.03 above with exception of items marked as *

Version 108

(FIXED)Android 4.1 & 5.0 users experience issues when customizing tabs
Demo improvement

Latest SDK- Support for next generation Android O
Budget tab supports more advance filters
-exclude accounts, labels from budget report
Tab customization reset function
Labeling multiple transaction provides option to replace or add to existing labels

Version 107

NEW Label Spending Tab
NEW Label Manager (Left Drawer)
Single click date picker
Widget- option to set PIN when adding transaction
Improved demo

Version 106

Adjustable chart color intensity- Settings>Appearance
Option to open calculator on new transaction
Calculator will follow vibration settings

Cannot edit account in some scenarios (fixed)
More neutral text/chart color scheme, lower contrast

UI improvements- Nav Bar/C&L Theme
Open transactions from main chart reports
In very rare cases,can’t edit account starting balance(fixed)

More date range settings for all tabs, including ALL TIMES
Updated Thai
Enhanced budgeting modeling/calculations
Memory Optimization
Scheduling reminder weekend settings
-skip or move weekend scheduled reminders to next, previous or nearest weekday.
(FIXED) When clicking on cash flow summary, app closes.

Major UI update to items,categories,accounts transaction screen
New monthly charts
Projection for items/categories
Multiple UI/Settings improvements

Version 105

Items summary tab improvement

Setting to disable text color for amounts

In certain MIUI devices, changing theme does not work

(FIXED) When filtering by labels on the Items Summary tab, the app terminates

Major Update:
Items Summary tab
Quick export menu
Menu toolbar improvements
Many UI improvements
Many bug fixes

Version 104

Increasing FREE categories from 20 to 30!
Stability&speed improvements

Version 103

Open credit card directly from credit cards summary
Themes fine-tuning
Fixed insights n.worth total issues
Updated translations

Fixed app closes when opening deleted transaction

Transaction UI tweaks- resolve issues with rotation
Multiple themes support premium users- 2 new themes
Updated android support libraries
Latest gradle engine

Version 102

Improved csv import -
Vibrate settings-Appearance>Vibration
PIN screen translations
Crotian-Robert Vulic
Russian & Italian

Multiple bug,stability & performance improvements
Updated Translations:
Thai (Narita & putman)
Russian & Italian

Resolve import csv issues
Updated German

Clicking insights notification opens Insights screen
Fixed add account on accounts tab
Hebrew language support-thanks Z PINCHASOVITCH
More optimization, speed improvements & fixes for random issues

Mainly optimization, speed improvements & fixes for random issues
Budget tab now ON by default for new users
Budget card loading time improvements (few ms))

Mainly optimization, speed improvements & fixes for random issues
Budget tab now ON by default for new users
Budget card loading time improvements (few ms))

New BUDGET Tab- to enable go to Settings > Tab Customization
Updated German translation- thank you Isch N.
Other- Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese, Indonesian, Greek

Version 101

Added last week and 2 weeks into category tab
Updated Indonesian, Spanish, Portueguese

Menu not updating correctly when customizing tabs
UI improvements

Option to reorder/hide tabs
Updated Indonesian (Catur Sugiarto)

Dashboard Cards UI improvements
New Card settings
Advance cards customization
-change bar or line charts
-configure chart elements
Dialog UI improved
Updated Dutch (Gillian Loones)

Version 100

Memory management optimizations
Latest Insights improvement (Settings>Main Dashboard)
New Thai translation (Partial)- NariTa
Spanish- Leo Posas
Hungarian- zolcsieles
German (Deutsch) sDlls
Hungarian (Magyar) zolcsieles
Slovak (Slovenčina) Reibek
Portuguese (Portugal) (Português) Rafael José

Category tab- added TODAY vs YESTERDAY
Fix Category tab not totally hiding zero amounts when set
Fix Chinese language currency issue

NEW Category tab advance filter
Category and accounts tab now remember filters on restarts
New Translations (Thank You)
-Chinese (WhaleMajida)
-Spanish (dleop)

New icon
Updated Russian (Владимир Клементьев), Brazilian (Leonardo Nascimento) & Portuguese (Rafael Jose)
Fixed latest insights crashing on Spanish version

Running balance on category transactions!
LATEST INSIGHTS card (prm users)!
More UI improvements- cleaner tabs
Fixed arrow indicator issues on balance sheet
Fixed few date related issues

Bumped to v100- start of something great
Major UI refresh
-NEW Categories tab
-cleaner icons tab
Dynamic category spending comparisson
-including custom dates comparisson
Improved multi-threading
Updated Russian translation- thanks to DubDubom
Latest gradle 4.0

Version 45

Fix date close issues w/ Android 5.1 users
Budget UI changes

Filters in reminders tab avaible in std version
More date formatters in settings
Unbilled option for credit card transactions
Speedup dashboard creditcard

Balance sheet option- vs last week and 2 weeks ago (fornightly)
Localized date formatting- dates in local country formatting by default
Settings- change date and time format
Support for Belaurusian Ruble currency (BYN)
Built on latest Gradle 4.0
Updated language translation (thanks to the helpful supporters worldwide)
To support translation, click

Some icons missing in black theme

Account running balance on Transaction Tab!
Improved scrolling budget setup screen
Accounts setup screen improved
UI tweaks and performance improvements

Version 44

Copy & paste multiple transactions via long-press
Improve startup by eliminating unnecessary redraws

Long-press to reorder cards on main dashboard
Improved csv import
-supports transfers

-show row numbers that fail to import

Include unbilled card installments in balance sheet
Bug fixes and performance improvements

Calendar Major Update- new useful indicators
Transaction UI small tweaks

Credit card installments unbilled settings when editing
Small transaction UI adjustment

Credit Card Due Date Reminder SETTINGS>NOTIFICATION
Credit Card available limit will now include unbilled installments
Insights Engine built-in (upcoming feature)
Major improvements in stability

Version 43

Resolve issue with deleting newly created accounts on transaction tab causes app to terminate

IMPORTANT:Account creation issue fix on 43.23.17
Opening account, net worth w/ lots of tranasactions (power users) on Balance Sheet completes 90% faster

Addressed chart markers going offscreen on edge
Stability,performance,scrolling improvements

Proper animation on batch delete & labeling
Fixed few budget issues

Staggard loading to improve performance power users (>20000 transactions)
Updated Indonesian translation
Fixed some crash w/ advance filter

Improved material design
Implemented staggard loading to improve performance heavy users (>20000 transactions)
Disable chart animation-slower phones benefits
Many performance improvements
Prep for MAJOR UPDATE-Read more

Stability and performance improvements
Prep for next major release

Advance filter results on transaction tab can be re-filtered in std version
Stability improvements

Reduce loading time daily summary card
Material-design ripple effect when clicking items

Advance notification for reminders, bills (a day before, 2 days before,etc)
-Settings>Phone Notifications
Quicksync stabilization & fixed issues when it’s interrupted
Fixed issues when deleting labels with apostrophe

43.23.09 (upcoming)
Fixed crash when bitcoins set as default on fresh install
Fixed some force close issues reported in the wild

Reminders support for expanded notes & labels
Updated Android Studio v3.0
Updated support libraries 25.3.2

Improve scrolling performance
More reliability & stability improvements

Fixed white notification icons
Major stability and reliability improvements

Cleaner budget config screen
Improve budget report screen UI
Improve support for large phones with very very high density settings

Cleaner budget report screen.
Added link to budget setup in budget report.
Fixed some missing icons in black theme

Expanded notes and labels in settings (Settings>Transaction Setup)

Widget setting- lighter text
When creating transaction from widget, exit after entry
New icon (contributed by Rafael)
Improved premium key check. Some users reporting key is loss after long offline pauses or restarts

Widget Settings- enable semi-transparency and hide logo
Read here>>

Update Android Studio and Gradle build to 2.3.2

Greek translation (credits to GRIGORIS ARVANITIS)
Transaction & reminders tab improved UI (type indicators)
Change status bar when editing reminders
Multiple updates to libraries and speed improvements

Version 42

Updated in-app help links
Fixed conversion issue with transfers involving 2 foreign accounts
Improved on-boarding experience

New on-boarding screen
Fixed some reported issues in the wild

Updated & corrected few language strings
Integrated network links to get latest updates

New Options:
-Move weekend reminders to next weekday
-1st month of year
-1st day of week
-Hide time
-Income on daily summary
Organized Settings
Daily notification if no transaction
Improved multicurrency, display conversion immediately
Improved icons
-notification & logo
Updated Portuguese
Updated Google Services 10.2.4

Version 41

Fixed for some rare crash issues reported by users
Code cleanup & optimization

Some users are losing premium when there’s no internet connection
Updated Android SDK

Updated Italian & Portuguese translation (credits to Andrea Cecagallina & Rafael José)
Fixed issue when changing currency from welcome main tab

Added metals currency support- Gold,Silver,Platinum,Palladium for Android 6 below
Fixed issue when searching for text including quotes

Added + button on filter results
Adjust when start date of month falls after 15th. Ex: month starts every 25th, then April will be 3/25-4/24 instead of 4/25-5/24
Fixed Bitcoin account issue
Updated email to

Korean translation- credit Jon Lee
Updated links to new website- Update balance sheet UI Updated widget name (you may need to replace widget)

Improved strings translations
Updated build libraries for speed improvements

Daily statistics UI improvements
Daily statistics screen
-click on the square icon on daily summary card
-gain more daily insights and fine tuning if your financial data
Indonesian translation- credits to Adelia Benalius

Version 40

Mostly under the hood changes
major code cleanup and optimization
updated gradle build 2.3.1
updated Android SDK 26.0.1
updated Android support library 23.2.1
remove banner ads for all charts screen
updated code for upcoming major release

Code cleanup/optimization Strings translation improvement Small UI improvements

Address some reported issues related to transfer reminders

Updated strings

Credit card summary card is now available for standard version

Change conversion rate data type to improve conversion accuracy
Improved quicksync

Improved logic for when to download conversion rates when making transfers between foreign currency accounts
Improved quicksync for accounts that has multiple currencies involved

Budget card bar scale improved
Fixed quarterly budget calculation error

FAB floats above bottom bar messages
Budget pie chart improvements
Transfer foreign currency improvements

Cleaner and improved widget design
Accounts menu UI more improvements
-resolved issue with balance not showing properly
Updated Google Play Services to 10.2.1
Updated Slovak translation- credits to Samuel Berezňanin

Improved accounts menu UI
Resolve issues w/ multi-select delete transactions
Updated Android Support Repository

Rewrote code for transfers involving foreign currencies
Tablet UI shows more info on portait
Budget Pie UI improvement
Corrected incorrect strings
Fixed issues with budget UI screen not updating immediately
Fixed multiple crash reported

More info when rotating screen

Minor improvements to Budget setup UI
Portuguese translation updates
Fixed: When updating budget, budget card will not refresh immediately

Do not offer demo mode ahen user has existing transactions

Budget UI Configuration Screen
Unified Budget / Spending Summary Screen
New Slovak Translation- credits Samuel Berezňanin
Updated Spanish- credits Esteban Aberásturi
Fixed Android N issues:
-taking photos
-translation issues
Android Support Repository v45
Android SDK Platform Tools 25.0.4
Android SDK Tools 25.3.0

Version 39


New translation- Portuguese (Brazilian) credits to Weverton Silva
Changed default budget pie chart card to categories instead of category group
Updated strings translation
Fixed bug where 1st day of month was set to 2nd on fresh setup instead of 1st

Widened Main cards and other minor UI improvements
Fixed transaction calculations bug w/ really large rates (ex. EUR to IDR)
Fixed budget period not being restored properly
Fixed over-payment of credit cards showing red bars instead of green

Resolve some crashes specific to Android-N when saving/opening reports generated
Multiple speed and optimization improvements to loading really huge amount of data (>50000)

(One of the the most requested feature)
Added feature to set the first day of the month. This setting will be followed for generating monthly analysis, reports and budgetting
To set, go to Settings>User Interface
New translation contribution from passionate supporters around the world:
Dutch- Gillian Loones
Hungarian- Imre Ferencz

Version 38


Focus on system stability and robustness
Landing page for failed admob is simplified

Improve category setup UI
Updated string translations
More robustness for automatic transaction creation (from reminders set to enter on due date)

Update is focused more on stability, improvements and accuracy
Fixed: In some cases, net worth line chart is inaccurate

Redesigned Main UI
Cash flow multiple improvements
Simply moving money between cash accounts (bank accounts & wallet) will no longer be included in cash flow changes
When creating a repeating transaction (reminder), enter all entries that are due on enter
Balance Sheet UI improvements
Turn off currency in balance sheet setting

Card filter for cash flow card
Added filter to the cash flow report
Improve cash flow reports and UI (label icons now display properly, proper spacing)
Updated settings for label filters (no filters, with labels, no labels)
Batch labeling of transactions
Multiselect in account transactions list
Budget card report displays correct total when positive expenses are involved
Do not scroll the main dashboard when the cards complete animation
Hungarian translation: credits to Imre Ferencz
Updated Portuguese translation: credits to Telmo Miller

Version 37


Daily summary card settings to hide currency, to elminate overlaps w/ long currency symbols
Budget summary card not reflecting correct income budget when shown
Budget table will show all categories by default
Fixed: When opening balance of credit card is after cutoff date, it’s amount is not included in remaining balance limit calculation.


Fixed an issue when changing time settings for a transaction

Many card UI and filter improvements
Improved Portuguese (European) translation- credits to Telmo Miller

Card Filters for Net Earnings, Budget & Net Worth
Reset button to clear advance filter
“No Labels” filter
Budget Card has ability to hide income row and show category (instead of group)
Card UI improvements

Main Dashboard Card Filter for Daily Summary
-more card filters to follow!
When adding transaction from widget or calendar, follow travel mode settings
Fixed: PIN does not work when language is set to French

Version 36


Quicksync improvements
Fixed: App closes when reminder quick search is cleared

Fixed issue where net worth projections on balance sheet causes app to crash.

New Date Setting on Balance Sheet- “Same Time Last Month”
Improved French Translation: (credits to Vax Baduti)
Balance Sheet foreign currency amount updated
FAB UI improvements
Improved demo mode.
Improved support for Android-N
Updated Abdroid Design Library v25.2
36.20.08 (Important Update)

Fixed issue where the transaction tab shows up the reminders instead when switching tabs

Ability to adjust exchange rate on transfers from a local to a foreign account
Improve support for some currencies that tends to have very large amounts
Improve tab scrolling interaction on main screen.
Retain position in transaction tab list when editing/de;eting an item
When processing large amounts of data to generate charts (example: charting 2 years worth of daily data), there’s a possibility that the app will crash because the phone’s limited memory will not be able to handle the load. Added mechanisms in the code that will prevent the crash and inform the user to either change the frequency (e.g. from daily to weekly) or reduce the date range.
Upgraded gradle to v2.3.0
Updated Android Support Repository to v44.0

UI improvements- change color of FAB for reminders, consistent animation
Reminder dialog UI improvement
String messages improvements
Code cleanup

Rapidly speed up demo creation (10x faster)
When on the accounts tab, the FAB button will be re-purposed for new account creation
When sliding tabs, animate FAB button as an indicator to a different functionality
Technical: CPU Multi-threading support for credit card summary on main dashboard (speed improvement)
Technical: Updated Google Services API 20.2.0

Improved welcome screen for new users
New users can set default currency on main tab
Sort credit cards by name on credit summary report
Improve currency localization functionality

Introducing New Credit Summary Card
More enhancements to the credit summary tab
Fixed: Clicking on Cash on Balance Sheet shows credit summary
Fixed: It’s possible to rename an account to an existing account

Improve the layout of the Credit Card summary tab
Fixed: App closes when editing an account opened from the balance sheet

Introducing new Credit card account features!
Credit card summary tab when you click on a credit card account on the balance sheet.
Set your credit limit, cutoff day and track your available credit and more!

Version 35


Fixed reminder entries of type Transfer. Old transfer reminders will be uneditable.

Fixed reminder entries showing wrong dates after creation
Improved In-App Billing and error tracking

Fixed critical bug when editing reminder series- earlier reminder entries are deleted
New Account Setup UI- Prep for future enhancements
Technical: Hide new account/category creation when creating transactions from widget (cannot query premium license when main activity is not started)

Fixed bug when creating monthly reminder

Fixes crash when changing language settings
Update Android Support Repository v43

Demo Mode for new users
Returned colored amount for balance sheet
Improved speed of creating reminders


Taking photos crash for Android Kitkat users
Fixed legend for net earnings table is doubled


Displaying positive expenses in daily summary


New Balance Sheet! Up/Down indicator for comparing previous and current account balance.
Fixed dark them issue where values are not shown for daily summary bar chart

Revamped the Daily Summary Card. Visualize your recent daily spending (1 week or 2 weeks depending on your screen orientation)
Improved Excel transactions importing- added more error tolerance and handling for importing rows. Read more here:

Version 34


New Calculator UI
More efficient phone storage memory usage

Google Drive integration added as backup and sync server in addition to Dropbox
When adding photos to transactions and upload photos automatically is set in setting, uploading photos to backup server is much more efficient and quicker than before
Additional “Upload Photos Now” settings under Settings > Sync. Upload unbacked-up photos to your backup server
Quicksync has been rewritten to improve reliability and stability
Structured Sync settings layout
Flatter Calculator UI colors
Fixed: When setting a monthly reminder that falls on last date, the succeeding reminders gets clipped to the max date of following month.
Fixed: In older Android version, reset data causes app to crash

Version 33


Uploading photos bandwidth optimization
Updated incorrect strings and languages
More Google Drive integration code (upcoming release)
Minor UI tweaks and improvements
Fixed: Random crashes when deleting transactions in Calendar

Updated currency symbol for Macanese Pataca
Frequency dialog UI improvements to eliminate clipping in certain screen resolution
Adjusted PIN screen margins to eliminate clipping in certain resolution
Modified Settings UI- moved up sync settings
Fixed: Net earnings chart does not update on 1st click when changing spinner values
Fixed: When system reserved keywords are used as transaction title, app may force close during auto complete selection
Technical: Google drive integration code added, prep for future functionality


New Translation: Russian Language


Use 24 hour based time picker when phone settings is set to 24 hour time.
Clear quicksearch for transactions and reminders when switching tabs
After editing a transaction opened in quicksearch results go back to the original quicksearch results list.
Remove unused code libraries for optimization
Fixed few random crashes when changing currency in transaction screen.
New Translation: Portuguese Language

When launching new transactions from accounts or category transactions list, load the same account or category on a new transaction setup
Some code cleanup and speed optimization when adding and modifying a transaction

Quick fix to resolve crash when creating a new transaction introduced in 33.19.01

New feature- Travel Mode
When set on, predefined labels (beach vacation, Hawaii trip, etc) will be automatically loaded when setting up a new transaction
Fixed: crashes when deleting split transaction opened within accounts transaction screen

Version 32


Time settings (12 or 24 hour) will follow phone settings
Many code cleanup and optimizations
Hide frequency adjustment with existing transactions (only reminders)

Fixed crash when editing reminder

Additional filter to balance sheet in Accounts tab
Show hidden accounts
Exclude accounts with zero balance
Conversion rates now support up to 6 decimals, example: 0.123456, 0.000021,0..000001
Fixed a few syncing issues

Resolve split transactions calculation issues introduced with 32.19.04 / 32.19.03

Resolve split transactions calculation issues introduced with 32.19.03

Initial conversion rate for foreign currency accounts can be adjusted per transaction
Improve label filtering for 2nd -level clicks on charts
Tablet UI Screen optimization

Use floating dialog for label selection instead of full screen
Fixed a few menu label description

Major Feature Addition- LABELS!
-Add labels to transactions/reminders
-Filter transactions/reminders/charts/reports by label or combination of it
-Use labels to track your projects, vacations, reconciled transactions. It’s powerful for your financial life.When updating reminders, the toolbar and status bar shows a different color from regular transactionCleaner and more straightforward transaction screen!
Updated Azerbaijani manat currency symbol, ₼

PIN lock will rotate in landscape mode
Disabled transaction multi-select transaction/reminders specific to Android 5.0

Version 31


Minor UI changes to transaction screen
Technical: Modified timestamp recording for transaction. This will improve how running balance is shown in accounts screen.
Strings translation improvement for other languages
Improvements to Quicksync

Fixed some Dropbox Quicksync issues
General UI improvements in balance sheet and category screen

When selecting a credit card account, easily setup monthly installment terms
Slight alignment improvements to balance sheet summary UI
Fixed dark theme issue with category names on budget tables not visible
Fixed some reported issue of failing to start app in some rare circumstances

More improvements to budget UI
Fixed alignment issues on tablet devices
Fixed issue when creating reminders set to repeat monthly on “day of week” where when the day falls on the 5th week of the month, some dates are off by a week.

Categories with zero budget and greater than zero actuals will now show as red in budget bar chart
Fixed: Cannot edit category group
Technical: Upgraded Android support library to 25.1.0

Show date scale in budget bar chart
Bar chart not showing green bar when actuals is equal to budget
List of transactions by category when clicking on pie chart always includes split accounts
The slide up panel bottom bar is still visible when a category slice is clicked in the pie chart.

Improved actual and budget tables. Separate bar charts for actual spending and budget.
Improved tracking to see how your actuals compare against your set budget targets

UI changes to budget bar chart- show remaining budget instead of percentages
Improvements to advance filtering of budget chart

Major UI changes for the budget tables- much more straightforward view of your spending vs budget performance
Resolved some issues for currency and language for Android-N users

Upgraded Gradle 2.2.3
Upgraded Android Studio 2.2.3

Version 30


Future projections now included for assets, liabilities and net worth
Revised UI for net worth card in the main dashboard
Revised UI for net worth screen
Hide keyboard when dismissing reminder dialog

Revised transaction UI screen
Fixed some tablet bugs with split reminder

Improved budget pie chart UI
Added more advance filter (category) to pie chart
Some improvements to the main dashboard cards
Technical: Reduce redraw operation when rotating screen (more efficient CPU utilization)
Fixed: clipping with chart markers

Improved the category & budget UI- less clutter and more straightforward
Improved the actuals and budget table UI
Added progress spinner when processing large amount of data for generating charts
Renamed Bimonthly to Biweekly
Fixed: When editing date for split reminders, date picker that pop ups is always set to current date instead of initial date

Fixed: Recording transfer reminder as transaction causes app to crash

Advance filter on the reminders tab
Improved user experience when deleting transactions using quick search for transactions and reminders
Show frequency summary when opening split category or split accounts reminders
Fixed: Transfer reminders set to record automatically creates two entries in the transaction tab

Had to remove advance filter on reminders tab while addressing some issues

Advance filter and quick search in the reminders tab.
Added multiple selection capability on reminders tab. Long press to select multiple reminders for deletion.
Improved account projections, particularly resolved some issues where transfers are not being accurately projected
Currency conversion rates showing up when they are not supposed to in some cases
Multiple account filtering is disabled for premium users

Added multiple selection capability for transactions tab. Long press to select multiple transactions for deletion.
Updated firebase core library to 10.0.0


Account Projection Chart!
-Project future account balance based on future reminders. To see account projections, check projections on the screen that shows when clicking an account on the accounts tab

-Redesign of the balance sheet table
-Adjust the starting date of the account balance line chart

Version 29


Added feature to filter accounts in the Balance Sheet
Updated Italian translations- credits to Giuseppe Aiello

Advance chart and reports filtering for premium users- filter by accounts (or group of accounts), categories (or group of categories), notes, tags item name, amount, etc. Read more here.
Updated Android compatibility library to v25.0.1

Version 28


Cleaned-up unused code
Fewer interstitial ad request

Fixed Pie chart issue not showing correct colors
Included search parameters summary in the search results

Advance filter is now made available to standard users. Read more here.
For premium users, multiple category and account filtering has been added
Fixed: Account balance line chart showing incorrectly
Note: Pie chart doe not display all colors when there are several categories involved. This will be fixed in the next update.

Version 27


Updated chart libraries to improve performance and future extendability
Improved charts! Charts on click much nicer looking than before.
Improved chart entry highlighting- show date and amount currency
Updated Italian translation- credits to Giuseppe Aiello
-When editing date, it should default to date set first
-In certain instances, saving income incorrectly set amount as negative

Version 26


Bitcoin support! You can now use Bitcoins ฿ for transactions!
Automatically download Bitcoin rate from the internet!
Improved Italian translation

Revamped the introduction screen for new install
Removed unused resources to reduce memory footprint
Other stability and performance improvements

Revised Settings screen. Will not hide toolbar during navigation.
Added Reset Data under Settings>Data Management
-Updated gradle 3rd party libraries

Added option for 3 and 4-digit decimal amounts in settings
Menu icon for Advance Filter (formerly Advance Search) in transactions tab- enable in advance settings
Minor UI polish on main tab and transaction screen

Fixed: on small screens, the time controls is clipped
Minor UI improvements on transaction screen

Change negative format item in settings
Simplified transactions list involving multiple currency

Change negative number format between (100) or -100. To change, go to Settings>Localization>Negative Number Format
Slight UI improvement to Balance Sheet Tab

Minor transaction UI changes
Upgraded google-services json

Immediately apply change currency in tab contents
Add small padding on transaction date/time fields
Fixed: Calendar Highlights graphics glitches in few cases

Dutch translation
Always list expense categories first in category spinner selector
Daily summary card- slight cleanup

Calculator is now localized to users geography or customized setting
No longer needed to have a name for transactions- they will be logged as (Unnamed transactions).
Split transactions editing now includes ability to edit time
UI improvements in the transaction screen


Calculator may cause the app to crash when dealing with numbers that uses comma as the decimal symbo- affects many countries in Europe
In rare cases, scrolling down the transactions list may cause the app to crash
Technical- Updated Google Play services to v9.8.0

Ability to set time for transactions

Reminders that has split categories and split accounts can now be created!
Critical bug: when currency conversion rate is inadvertently set to zero, app crashes during startup
Prevented currency conversion rate from being set to zero
When recording a reminder as a transaction, additional transaction entries are being created
Upgraded to Android SDK Platform 25

Fixed: When creating a transfer, the amounts are reversed for the receiver and the sender.

Improved split categories and split accounts transaction screen.
Single screen for editing split accounts and split categories transactions.

Trash shows improved split accounts and transactions (improved restoration)
Advance search includes improved split accounts and transactions
Calculator adjust decimal places tp 2 digits for amount and 4 digits for conversion rates
Upgraded Gradle 2.2.2
Upgraded Android Studio 2.2.2

Version 25


Updated translations for Spanish
Technical- Upgraded Gradle to 2.2.1

Update is focused on performance improvements
Reduce lag or delays when going back to main screen
Improvements to maintain UI responsiveness for long-running data operations (for those with tens of thousands of data)
Eliminated unnecessary refresh during screen orientation
Improved Spanish translation- (Thank you Esteban Aberásturi)
Fixed- Language setting gets lost during screen orientation

Remember last scroll position for transactions and reminders tab after editing
App will not ask for storage permission during first setup. Will only ask until it is really needed
Fixed- Split transactions showing on all dates in Calendar

Reminders will assume only single entry if reminder settings is not set
Reminder settings are not temporarily retained in some cases
Fixed Balance Sheet custom dates not working

UI tweaks and improvements
Visible radio group buttons in black theme
Radio group tint harmonized with app theme
Create new reminders directly from reminders tab
Add button change color when in reminders tab

Added “Does not repeat” option to Reminders
New reminders will default to “Does not repeat”.
Fixed: On fresh install, app crashes on very first reminder created

Fixed: When opening a transaction of type Transfer, the accounts loaded are not correct

Introducing Split Accounts transactions
Improve app navigation speed and performance
Code overhaul for the main dashboard tab (converted from scrollview to recyclerview)- preparation for future cards
Converted cards from fragments to viewholders
Eliminated unnecessary screen refresh to improve app speed when navigating through different screens
Implemented multi-threading for background database reading and queries. Will significantly reduce lag for users with tens of thousands of transactions

When editing account name from balance sheet- name is not updated immediately when going back
When navigating through settings, always go back to the last screen when making setting changes
Deleted transactions screen showing all indicator icons
Cash flow transactions screen showing all indicator icons
Fixed many rare and random force close issues

Version 24


Minor improvement Japanese translation

New language translations
Technical changes- Cleaned-up unused string resources


Beautiful icons indicator for transactions or reminders- has notes, photos, repeating reminders or auto entry reminders
Reminders tab- indicators for when reminders are overdue, currently due, or due in a few days

Technical changes- remove some global classes for memory improvements

General code cleanup and optimization
UI improvements, less saturated colors
Database upgrade- prep for future releases

Fixed unable to take photo when default backup folder is changed.
Changed reminder automatic entry tag from “AutoEntry” to “Auto”

Fixed cannot save new category, sub-category and account

More memory optimization
Fixed chart not showing animation
Fixed issue with users losing their premium access between app restarts

Fixed: Camera button is black on black theme

Add photos into transactions and reminders

Photos will be automatically saved to local storage and linked to transaction
Photos will be automatically saved in medium quality for reduced file size
Automatically upload photos to online backup. Access transaction photos from any device (premium)
Optimized the size of the app for increased performance
Small in-line native ads in the main and accounts tab. Read more here.
As a token of appreciation, Blucoins Accounts limit is increased from 15 to 20 for Standard version!
Change the settings icon to a gear icon
Technical Changes

Optimize the app build using Proguard
Configured app for Multidex with Gradle
Integrated Firebase Engine into App
Upgraded Android SDK tools to 25.2.2
Migrated to Android Studio 2.2
Compiled using Gradle 2.2

Version 23


Cleaner and simpler transactions and reminders page
Reduce height of actuals vs budget rows
Simplified App Settings
Upgraded Android components to v24.2.1
Pie chart not showing Income data

Do not show hidden accounts in account selector
Added optional setting to perform QuickSync when app opens
Currency change screen in Settings is using Standard theme when Black theme is set
Pie chart is distorted up when expense categories are not all negative
In rare cases, when exiting, app crashes
Fixed a crash when opening an account in the Balance sheet

When QuickSync during app close is set, add ability to dismiss/cancel the prompt
App crashes in rare cases when amounts involved are extremely large
App crashes in rare cases when opening transactions involving invalid account IDs
In rare cases, the net worth amount shown in the main dashboard is not correct
It is possible in rare cases to set an invalid account or category ID when entering transactions
When creating transaction involving foreign currency, the conversion rate is not retained when searching from expense to income
When editing a transaction belonging to a split transaction, the amount cannot be changed
Transactions in Trash are not showing right currency

Added optional setting to perform QuickSync when app closes
Sets account balance linechart starting point to at least 3 months ago
When editing a reminder, the wrong category is selected

Fix for in-app billing issues

Quick update to fix a bug when opening an empty account on the Balance Sheet


Introducing Foreign Currency Accounts (read more here)
Show foreign accounts in their own currency in the Balance Sheet
Default currency and rates can be changed anytime
Ability to transfer money between regular and foreign currency accounts
When a foreign currency account is selected, app automatically selects the right currency in the transaction screen
Anywhere in the app, when transactions are made in another currency, the foreign currency along with the local currency will be displayed

Added 2 account types – Foreign Assets & Foreign Liabilities
Modified the Account Setup screen
“Update account balance” now has it’s own menu icon
Reduce the brightness of the app background
Remove the date icon on the Balance Sheet (not needed)
Reorganized Advance Settings
Account line chart now properly show decimal places
Spinner showing split category option when not needed

Version 22


Missing save button for new transaction coming from account screen

Added ability to add transaction from Account Transactions screen
Slight modification Account Setup screen

Transaction screen bottom toolbar UI polish
More under the hood changes on in-app-billing
When deleting the account coming from account transaction screen, go back to main screen

Fixed crashes with users of Android 4.4 and below
Minor UI improvements

Make menu icons a little transparent
Make the entire balance sheet header clickable for changing date comparison setting
Lots of under the hood changes on in-app-billing
In some rare cases, the account balances does not show right amount
When updating a transaction opened from Account Balances, the chart and table does not immediately update after saving

When clicking on account in Balance Sheet, the line chart is now extended to 12 months and dynamically adjust starting point from comparison date selection.

Fixed a bug wherein the category type is selected by the spinner instead of category when switching from reminder to transaction in the transaction screen.

Clear and simpler help icon
Move the custom date selector on the Balance Sheet tab to the table header
When custom date is selected for the balance sheet, the date setting is retained when app is closed

Fixed bug describing old monthly reminders as “day of week” instead of “day of month”

More UI polish for Reminder Dialog
Bug when adding transactions to an existing split transaction

Cleaner and more elegant Reminder Dialog UI
Create monthly reminders that repeat on specific day of the week (example: first Sunday of Month, second Thursday, Third Wednesday.. etc)

Fix a bug in rare occasion when changing amount is not possible when coming from split category screen


Major revamp of the transaction screen to make it more simpler and cleaner.
Eliminated the need to jump through multiple screens to change account and category
Cleaned up the Accounts Tab- moved the export balance sheet function under Advance Settings
UI Improvements and Polish
Fix a bug when deleting an account.

Transactions involving transfers to and from a deleted account will be retained for the paired account
Reminders associated with the deleted account will be removed

Version 21

Export reminders data
User Guide Link in Main Screen

Advance Search not working (fixed)
Updated Android SDK to version 36
Added Help link to transaction and split transaction screen

Bug when editing an account that was automatically created during Excel file importation.

Fixes bug when importing Excel file

Maximize Calendar Highlights width and height to fit phone screen dimensions

Integrated link to the user guide within the app
Integrated link to this change log within the app
Reorganized app settings
Hide keyboard when opening a deleted transaction

Improvements to Advance Search
Click here to learn more…

Fixed issue when syncing Dropbox data using different app version
Restore split categories values when going back to it again from transaction screen

When account name has period in them, app crashes when generating accounts balances chart

Clicking on delete button for split transactions does not work

Split Transactions- not all things are created equal- so why should your expenses be. Split a single transaction into multiple categories!
Click here to learn more…